Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Day I was told I was "slightly obese

It is amazing that each day, each year you come to new realizations.
I participated in my company's wellness fair in the office in October and was told that my "numbers" were great - except percent of fat - based on those numbers I was "slightly obese" well the only thing I saw on that paper was the word "obese" and I went into a tailspin.
So you asked where have I been all this time? that now on a piece of paper I came to that realization. Don't know, but it shows that you need to get to that point no one can can get you there, but they can show you the way.
So what happened next? I was sharing with my daughter these results and realized that I was in total denial. I was confused, since I exercise everyday except Sundays, i do cardio, I lift weights and I eat healthy, except for wine, I like red wine, especially bold, big cabs.
Anyway Tara and I started to talk about me being "slightly obese" and obviously both her and Kirsten tried their best to convince me that I was not "obese" well - it didn't matter, it was now in my head. Next thing I know, Tara takes the laptop, and handed me the phone - in 1-2-3 she connected with Jenny Craig. So my journey to combat the word "obese" from a description of me has started.

1 comment:

  1. I KNOW you are not Obese. That being said if you want to get on Jenny Craig and move towards a healthier body then Yeah For you.
    Good Luck and I cant think of a better time for you to be eating precooked meals considering your kitchen is closed at the moment :)
